
LIS - the Legume Information System

LIS integrates genetic and genomic information across many legume species, with tools for research. LIS has been restructured for improved scalability and function. As of April, 2023, the previous incarnation has been decommissioned. Additional functionality will be added through 2023. Please contact us if you have questions, suggestions, or contributions.

The site is organized as follows. See TAXA to access resources and tools such as browsers, InterMine instances, organized primarily by genus. See COLLECTIONS to access data sets for download. See TOOLS if you have particular tasks in mind.

Resources for legumes at various taxonomic levels (species, genera, and the family as a whole): data sets, genome browsers, pan-gene sets, synteny visualizations, sequence and keyword search, etc.
View synopses of and links to individual LIS Datastore collections.
Pan-legume tools: sequence and keyword search, gene families and phylogenies, synteny visualization, etc. search, etc.
Learn about new data and tools available from LIS.
Other community resources for legume research.
Please contact us with questions or suggestions.

Funding and Development

LIS is funded by the USDA-ARS. LIS is developed and hosted by the National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR) and the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at Ames, IA, with the help of many other researchers.